I am really digging the Chanel United KingdomFlag Chain Bag, even though it has such a wide print, it looks elegant. The price tag is pretty steep though it's around $2,100.
--- Me está gustando mucho la cartera de la bandera del Reino Unido de Chanel, aunque tenga un print tan perdominate, se ve elegante. Aunque el precio esta un poco elevado, vale alrededor de los $2,100.
I just found your blog through It's Her Factory (Laurel's) and love it! I love how you have the entries in both languages.
Chanel has definitely modernized themselves from Coco's classic understated black. I haven't formed a concrete opinion on it but think it's quite a bold thing to do going forward!
Go!nzalo: Siempre :D, muchas gracias por la tuya!...haha si es verdad..demasiado british. Pero me encanta la bandera de alla por alguna razon me resulta realmente atractiva.
Cheryl Lynn: Thank you for the wonderful comment. I'm blushing!. xD. Hugs and Kisses!
Joie de Vivre: Aww thanks for the sweet comment!. And I agree with everything you said about Chanel. Yeah they have adapted to the times, that is sometimes good (Example: This bag) and sometimes very bad (The Chanel trucker hat) *shivers*
Es bonita, a mí también me gusta. Pero rara para combinar, ¿no? ¡Qué dineral cuesta, dios santo! Con eso te compras muchos bolsos de Lupo y Lamarthe en El Corte Inglés, JAJA!! ¡¡Un besazo y gracias por enseñarme esa cartera tan curiosa, no la conocía!!
8 comentarios:
Creo recordar que esa es la cartera fetiche de Agyness Deyn.
Antes que nada , muchas gracias por la visita!
La cartera seria ideal para una 007!
Demasiaaaado britanica!
You have a very nice blog with wonderful photos. Your writing is very good as well, concise, yet interesting.
Beautiful look and a good read.
Keep up the good glam.
I just found your blog through It's Her Factory (Laurel's) and love it! I love how you have the entries in both languages.
Chanel has definitely modernized themselves from Coco's classic understated black. I haven't formed a concrete opinion on it but think it's quite a bold thing to do going forward!
Thesil: Sí, esa misma es!
Go!nzalo: Siempre :D, muchas gracias por la tuya!...haha si es verdad..demasiado british. Pero me encanta la bandera de alla por alguna razon me resulta realmente atractiva.
Cheryl Lynn: Thank you for the wonderful comment. I'm blushing!. xD. Hugs and Kisses!
Joie de Vivre: Aww thanks for the sweet comment!. And I agree with everything you said about Chanel. Yeah they have adapted to the times, that is sometimes good (Example: This bag) and sometimes very bad (The Chanel trucker hat) *shivers*
Es bonita, a mí también me gusta. Pero rara para combinar, ¿no? ¡Qué dineral cuesta, dios santo! Con eso te compras muchos bolsos de Lupo y Lamarthe en El Corte Inglés, JAJA!! ¡¡Un besazo y gracias por enseñarme esa cartera tan curiosa, no la conocía!!
i love chanel. and i love the union jack. so this is really the perfect bag. if only i had the perfect bank account!
Love that bag... I think is timeless.
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