domingo, 6 de julio de 2008

Ohhhh music...Glasto 2008

I've been catching up on all the information and news I've missed since my absence. An example of this is: Glastonbury 2008, like I've mentioned in my previous post; since I've never been able to assist the festival due to my geographic discapacity, I've lived it trough pictures.

He estado recopilando informacion de todo lo que perdí durante mi ausencia. Un ejemplo de esto es: Glastonbury 2008, como mencione en mi post pasado, ya que nunca he podido asistir al festival dado mi discapacidad geografica, lo he vivido mediante fotos.

But since i wasn't here this weekend I actually have to"search the internet" for it. While I was searching i came across a article on She actually got a press pass and took some amazing pictures like the one of the singer Pete Doherty you can see above. There are also pretty fantastic quality pictures. Check it out.

Pero ya que no estuve aqui este fin de semana he tenido que "buscar el internet" por ellas. Al buscar me tope con un articulo en (el artículo es en inglés que esta). Ella consiguió un pase de prensa, y tomo algunas fotos simplemente asombrosas, como el que se puede observar de Pete Doherty más arriba. Chekealo.

2 comentarios:

Laurel dijo...

Hey you! Thank you for the sweet comment, and for your votes!! You rock.

I'm glad you're back too, I missed your posts! You have great music taste, seriously. How was your trip, love? You must update me!


Mariel dijo...

Great photos!